By Roderick Ford


with Asylum Productions

Granary, March 2023

Three sisters are trapped in a dystopian nightmare in Roderick Ford's powerful tale of death, disability and desire. In the world outside their flat, an emergent fascist state is "cleansing" disabled people from society. Inside, Yobby, locked in her cage, dreams of killing her little sister Caoimhe.

Caoimhe, locked in her leg braces, dreams of her headless lover. Their sick mother, Yulia, fearing for the future, pleads with God on the telephone. God refuses to respond. But God alone knows what fresh hell will happen when middle sister Neon says she's leaving to find a future of her own.

Creative Team

Written by Roderick Ford

Directed by Donal Gallagher

Set and Costume Design by Medb Lambert

Lighting Design by Drew McCarthy

Sound Design by Cormac O’Connor

Cast: Megan Haly, Claire Loy, Michaela Murphy, Eleanor Walsh


8-11th March 2023: Cork Opera House

Photos by Clare Keogh.