Asylum Productions


by Asylum Productions and Kilkenny Arts Festival produced by Once Off Productions with The Watergate Theatre

By Medb Lambert, Clare Monnelly & Emma O'Grady

Directed by Dónal Gallagher

There’s 50p on the pool table, Sinéad is ripping up the Pope, Féile’s going to get messy and Ireland is on the brink of cataclysmic social change...

The Local is an immersive soap opera. It’s 22 August 1992. The pub is the epicentre of Irish culture. Ireland is a drunken teenager.

We’re about to grow up and leave home and take responsibility for ourselves. The craic is exponential and the only way is up. Little did we know we were heading for a crash. We should have seen it coming.

Following on from the success of the award-winning Big Chapel X, Asylum Productions return with their unique production style bringing local actors, community groups and professional performers and artists together.

Funded by the Arts Council.


Writer / Co-Artistic Director Medb Lambert

Writer Clare Monnelly

Writer / Performer Emma O’Grady

Director / Co-Artistic Director Donal Gallagher

Co- Director Janice de Broithe

Movement Director Cindy Cummings

Sound Designer Cormac O’Connor

Senior Producer Maura O’Keeffe

Line Producer Sadhbh Barrett Coakley

Production Manager Pete Jordan

Stage Manager Zoey Reynolds

Assistant Stage Manager Delia Lowery

Assistant Production Manager Francesca de Buyl

Intern Assistant Airector Sarah Joan K

Production Assistant Andrew Crowley

Intern Production Assistant Nell Snyder

Costume Aoife Lyons

Production Assistant  Lina Lambert

Hair  Val Sherlock

Make-up Michael Browne


10-19th August 2023: Kilkenny Arts Festival, at Sheridan’s Ennisnag

Photos by Dylan Vaughan

Performers: Joanne Bracken, Fern Kealy, Shannon O’Doherty, James Quigley, Patrick McDonald, Kyle English, Eanna Grogan, Gillian McCarthy, Geraldine Rowantree, Derek Dooley, Susie Lamb, Michael Somers, Dónal Forristal, Neil Sheehy, Emma O’Grady, John Lennon, Natasha Murray, Jeffrey Gormly, Claudia Morawski, Michael Morris, Orla McCabe, Annie Conway, and JuJu Perche.

“Immersive theatre at its best… a refreshing tender draught of nostalgia. The writing is effective and tender”

— Emer O’Kelly, The Sunday Independent